You Learn By Doing

We are so hard on ourselves and always expect excellence right off when we are doing, creating or being. Because of this expectation of excellence, we spend so much time prepping and preparing for our next move. Please understand that I totally agree with prepping and planning (planning gives me total life & peace). 😉


The problem with planning comes when you use planning as a means to not do the work that needs to be done.

INSERTS EXAMPLE📌- You have this new idea that you are preparing to birth to the world. You have crossed every T and dotted every I. Basically, you are beyond ready to launch. Because of fear, you decide to do a little more planning to make sure it is absolutely and completely perfect before you launch.

I know this story because that was me. I had to make the decision to get off of that hamster wheel to nowhere and start actually DOING what I dreamed of doing. It’s was scary and not easy but I have been learning along the way and I know the same will happen for you.

Honesty moment: it will always be scary, uncomfortable and never perfect when doing anything new. But, growth and success come in uncomfortable situations. The difference between you and your successful counterpart that produces all that swoon worthy content and inspiring products is that they stopped all the PLANNING and started DOING.

It is time to check your feelings at the door and move forward into your best life! It is NEVER easy to live the life of your dreams. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. So, join me in stepping away from the planner into the new so you can look back and finally say, “I did that!”

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